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Slowfire Behavior Expectations and Code of Conduct

Our teachers are trained for solid classroom management from a positive perspective. Lessons and activities are designed to be interactive and engaging. We structure our lesson plans carefully to best utilize our time together. Instructors maintain a fun, but controlled classroom environment. We offer low student:teacher ratios to keep our students engaged and learning and to be able to provide personalized assistance. 


The instructor and students work together to understand the importance of class rules. The instructor and students will revisit the rules at the beginning of each class as needed. Respect for others in the class, the instructor, and the materials is consistently reinforced. Instructors give verbal positive reinforcement to encourage students and are approachable and kind.



  1. Respect and listen to the instructor

  2. Respect your peers

  3. Keep your hands to yourself 

  4. Treat others with kindness

  5. Language and topics of conversation need to be appropriate 

  6. Electronic free space (unless appropriate)

  7. Respect our equipment, classroom, tools and materials

  8. Clean up after yourself


In the event of misbehavior, the instructor will work with the student(s) to help them understand why their behavior isn’t aligned with the classroom code of conduct. The instructor and student(s) will also discuss ways to handle the situation in the future.


If a student needs constant redirection, the instructor may give them the opportunity to take a short break to regroup and reset. The instructor will make it clear that the student can rejoin the group whenever they are ready to do so. If the student has not rejoined the group after five minutes, the instructor invites them back to immediately engage the student and rejoin the group.


If positive behavior management is not being impactful, Slowfire will message the student’s parent or guardian to discuss appropriate behavior expectations and consequences.


Should a child consistently not be able to follow the code of conduct, the child may be asked to leave the program. 

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